- ADM Thomas B. Fargo USN (Ret.)
- ADM Edmund P. Giambastiani Jr. USN (Ret.)
- ADM John B. Nathman USN (Ret.)
- VADM J. Cutler Dawson Jr. USN (Ret.)
- VADM John J. Grossenbacher USN (Ret.)
- VADM Timothy W. LaFleur USN (Ret.)
- VADM Michael D. Malone USN (Ret.)
- VADM Daniel J. Murphy Jr. USN (Ret.)
- RADM Larry C. Baucom USN (Ret.)
- RADM Daniel R. Bowler USN (Ret.)
- RADM Robert C. Chaplin USN (Ret.)
- RADM Howard W. Dawson Jr. USNR (Ret.)
- RADM Thomas J. Elliott Jr. USN (Ret.)
- RADM David R. Ellison USN (Ret.)
- RADM Edward J. Fahy USN (Ret.)
- RADM Alfredo Graham (Peruvian Navy) (Ret.)
- RADM Richard G. Gurnon USMS
- RADM Joseph G. Henry USN (Ret.)
- MajGen Harold Mashburn Jr. USMC
- BGen James R. Schwenk USMC (Ret.)
- RADM Paul S. Semko, USN (Ret.)
- RADM Kenneth D. Slaght USN (Ret.)
- RADM Paul F. Sullivan USN (Ret.)
- RADM William G. Sutton USN (Ret.)
- RADM Anthony J. Watson USN (Ret.)
- MajGen Leo V. Williams III USMCR (Ret.)
- RADM Charles B. Young USN (Ret.)
- The Honorable William Barry (Superior Court Judge, Los Angeles, CA)
- The Honorable Alan L. Bergstrom (Administrative Law Judge, Department of Labor)
- The Honorable Jose Roilo Golez (Republic of Philippines Congressman)
- The Honorable Gary D. Knight (Deputy Assistant Secretary, Department of Energy)
- The Honorable Ronald K. Machtley (US Congressman from Rhode Island)
- The Honorable Tim S. McClain (General Counsel, Department of Veteran Affairs)
- The Honorable David B. Oberholtzer (Superior Court Judge, San Diego)
- The Honorable Ronald R. Pope (Judge, 328th District Court, Texas)
- The Honorable Kirk K. Van Tine (Deputy Secretary, Department of Transportation)
- The Honorable Nicholas J. Williams, Jr. (Deputy Assistant Secretary, Department of Treasury)
Updated: September 19, 2019
Curator: Ed Moore